Let's Get Serious About Your Faith
Dr. Orozco takes you on a deep dive into the Bible in search of the true Jesus so that you can have a powerful impact on the world.
Get Started!Fire in Her Bones Online Video Course
16 Video Lessons based on the book, Fire in Her Bones: A Biblical Defense of Women as Preachers and Pastors by Dr. Ellis Orozco, taught by the author. Perfect for Sunday School, Small Group Bible Study, or personal learning.
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Fire in Her Bones: A Biblical Defense of Women as Preachers and Pastors
Dr. Orozco takes you on a deep dive into the Bible in search of the true Biblical teaching on the role women play in the life of the church. Utilizing a traditional approach to Biblical interpretation, you will find a new and fresh perspective on this important and relevant issue.
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McGloin Ranch Pastor's Retreat
May 21-24, 20024
Spend three days of quality time with seasoned pastors, drawing strength from God's Word, renewal through guided reflection, and encouragement from others traveling the same path.
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Dr. Orozco has shared his Biblical message with thousands over the last 30 years. Book Dr. Orozco for your church or event.

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Karooso Podcast
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Karooso Blog
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Karooso Online Courses
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Thinking Out Loud About Your Faith
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