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How to Thrive in a Polytheistic American Culture, Part 5 christian living culture public theology May 28, 2023

What do you do when you meet someone who has a very different story than yours?

How do you respond to someone whose life experience is so different from you that it causes them to think and live and ...

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How to Thrive in a Polytheistic American Culture, Part 4 christian living culture public theology May 10, 2023

How do you react when you find yourself completely outnumbered as a Christian? Do you feel comfortable when you find yourself in the minority as a Christian?

Do you even have any non-Christian friend...

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How to Thrive in a Polytheistic American Culture, Part 3 culture public theology May 03, 2023

How are we as Christians supposed to respond when the government refuses to acknowledge our faith? How do we fight back when we are ridiculed, marginalized, and largely excluded from the national conv...

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A Modest Proposal on the Display of The Ten Commandments culture practical theology public theology Apr 28, 2023

The Texas Senate voted to pass a bill (SB 1515) that would require the Ten Commandments to be displayed in public school classrooms.

Weatherford Republican State Senator Phil King wrote the bill whic...

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How to Thrive in a Polytheistic American Culture, Part 2 culture practical theology public theology Apr 27, 2023

How does living in a polytheistic culture with an aggressive agenda impact Christians? Are there any defining characteristics of the polytheistic culture? Can they help us better understand ourselves?...

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How to Thrive in a Polytheistic American Culture, Part 1 culture theology Apr 20, 2023

Have you ever struggled to know how to express your faith in the face of American culture? Have you ever wanted to take an important stand based on your beliefs, but were afraid of the backlash? Have ...

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How to Help People without Judging Them Apr 11, 2023

Have you ever stopped yourself from saying something helpful to someone because you didn’t want to come across as judgmental? Have you ever lost a friend or co-worker because you tried to help them bu...

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The Silent Mystery of Saturday easter theology Apr 08, 2023

The Saturday after the crucifixion is a day of mystery. It is a day of radio silence, without a single word recorded about it in the gospels. Jesus' body was placed hastily in a borrowed tomb. All we ...

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The Not-So-Good, Good Friday good friday theology Apr 07, 2023

Good Friday has always been difficult to navigate. Easter is much easier. I know how to feel on Easter. I know what to say on Easter. Good Friday, on the other hand, is awkward. How do you greet peopl...

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The Real Problem for the Southern Baptist Convention current events women in ministry Mar 25, 2023

One of my favorite scenes from the first Star Wars movie, A New Hope, features a confrontation between Princess Leia, played by Carrie Fischer, Darth Vader, played by David Prowse, and the evil Empire...

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What Does the Bible Really Say About Suicide emotional health suicide Mar 21, 2023

Suicide in the United States is a major national public health issue.

The suicide of public figures — like Naomi Judd, Anthony Bourdain, and Robin Williams — brings the issue to the forefront of the ...

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How to Deal with Fear and Anxiety christian living emotional health Mar 16, 2023

What are the things that scare you? What are you afraid of? What keeps you up at night? Do you ever struggle with anxiety?

I don’t like to be afraid. I guess that’s why I don’t like scary movies. My ...

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